Monday, December 15, 2008

Obama blames economic problems on Global Warming.

Today at 4:00pm Central time Obama stuck his mug on TV and announced his pick for the environmental team that will fix the economy. Our new president is insane. He is going to move forward with his carbon tax and increase taxes on coal and gasoline until we can’t afford to heat or power our homes or fill up the gas tank. As for carbon, the correct definition is carbon-dioxide, or the air we breathe. Yes he is going to tax the f______ air we breathe! The money will be sent to Kenya, I guess the people there are going to hold their breath? Spread the wealth, as he has said it. Take away from those who earned it and give to them who did not. He is going to take from America and give to other countries. As the world sinks further into a depression this moron is going to blame it on the f____ing weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is true though. it is just you americans that do not understand the huge problems of global warming. on the other hand, what do you understand?